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Gefragt vor 148 Monaten von meleze  gültig Edit
I thank you very much for the checking of the chinese sentences I am trying to learn. I am working at present with 478 flashcard and do not understand why it is not possible to get the whole downloaded on my hard disk and need for each apprenticeship session to open the main gate.
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Diese Frage wurde 11 mal angesehen.
To be able to use the flashcards off-line (that is with out continuous Internet access) on your PC you may use our Desktop application which can be installed using the Applications button on the top right of the trainchinese website.
On the other hand if you are using one of our iPhone or Android applications you should have downloaded all cards there by pressing on the top right (Update Cards) button in the application.
Beantwortet vor 148 Monaten duch klaus gültig Edit
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