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Gefragt 146 months ago von JohnG11  gültig Edit
Here is a suggestion for improvement. Nothing urgent just to consider.

I find myself all the time manually adding the flash cards/phrases identified inside a specific card. It would be nice to autogenerate this.

For example in Folder "Far East Everyday Chinese - Book I -> Chapt 1" the word yao exits. (I'm making up this example).

Inside the flashcard "yao" the phrase wo yao he cha exits.

Currently I have to manually add that card.

What would be great is if you automatically create a folder names:
   "Far East Everyday Chinese - Book I -> Chapt 1 - phrases" 

and then put every card linked in the Chapt 1 list into that folder. If it overflows 100 (a silly limit by the way that I've already overflowed) then make phrases - 1, phrases - 2, etc.

That would be a great feature!

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Diese Frage wurde 23 mal angesehen.

I am not sure what should be automated? If a flashcard with \"Yao\" = want is created, then there may he many phrases using the \"Yao\" available in our pool of flashcards. Even though we typically we would have selected a couple of  examples on how to use a word, this examples may not be the ones a user want to use in their flashcards. Actually in the case of \"Yao\" - want , there are about 800 phrases using that character!

In our on-line version of trainchinese as well as on Android and iOS apps you just need to click or tap on the example sentence available in the details view of each word and then can add that word to a list.
If it happens that the example sentence you would like to know is another sentence from our overall flashcard pool, then a search using the word can be initiated without need to re-enter the words.

On another page: regarding the 100woards per list: There are specific situations where the limit of 100 words per list could be exceeded slightly, we are aware of that.
Beantwortet 146 months ago duch klaus gültig Edit
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Just to be clear, I only meant the examples that I find inside the main card. I see these on my iPad when I select "Details". Usually there are only 1 or 2 sentences (e.g. phrases). Since I always add these sentences and it takes some time to put them in their own list, the suggestion was to automate this process. Thanks, John
Beantwortet 146 months ago duch JohnG11 gültig Edit
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klaus says:
Ok, got it, so just to phrase the idea:

For a list of words, the idea is to be able to automatically add an additional list with all examples referenced in the original list of words.

That is possible to be done. We will initially can think to make it available on our website (as a additional button, "create list with all the examples"). Later we may include it into the trainchinese application.
klaus says:
klaus says:
The function is now available on the website.