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Questions and Answers


Asked 148 months ago by Chinabiker  valid Edit

When I learn my cards I have a very nice overview (charcters coloured, pinyin and english - big letters on the display) which I can reach by wiping on my screen to the left or right. Unfortunatly I can not get into this mode without just learning the cards.

It would be great to get this mode just as an overview over all cards in one folder - Is this possible ?


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This question has been viewed 18 times.
If you are viewing a list of words or the results form a search then you can see the cards in big letters and colors in the same way as when you browse trough your cards.

Just tap on one of the results of a list or search and then move trough the list by tapping on the < and > signs  at the top of the screen.
Answered 148 months ago by klaus valid Edit
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klaus lautet:
On the Android the < and > buttons are on the lower end of the screen (while for iOS at the top side)

Dear Klaus, when I use this way I can see the same (characters in colours, pinyin and english) but then comes the measure word and some examples and below on my android I can use the mentioned buttons <>. So it\'s already nearly what I\'m looking for - thanks !

Just one question. Is it possible to see only the top part (characters in colours, pinyin and english) in the very big scale which I can see in the training mode. In the training mode there is nothing else then these 3 informations and even the <> are missing. You change the pages by gliding the finger on the screen to the left or right.

Answered 148 months ago by Chinabiker valid Edit
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klaus lautet:
Our users in general are interested in the measure words and also examples for each word, that is the reason that this information is included into the detail view of each word. 
Only in training when flipping a card, then the information given is the minimal information (that is the one you refer to).

As for the changing of pages by swiping: In the details view you can select parts of the texts (by tapping and then swiping to the end of the selection) and then use that selected part for new searches. As the selection includes a kind of swipe we could not use the swipe to change words there. As the cards revealed in the training mode do not have the function to select and search from there, we did have the possibility to use the swipe to go form one to the next.

Dear Klaus - thanks for your detailed explaination. This kind of support confrims me every time that I have choosen the right product. I\'m pretty aware that no product can be perfect and that a lot of diffrent demands sometimes contradict. But the chance to ask in detailed and to get a good explanation is really special compared to a lot of other software - THANKS again - yours Ralph
Answered 148 months ago by Chinabiker valid Edit
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Dear Klaus, it's nevertheless a pity that the nice card overview can not be used after learning one session. Therefor my suggestions how to make it availabe:

1) after learning one session I'm asked to go on or stop. A third button could be added which means "review" . Then I just stay in the session, all cards are answerd and I can review them again. Up to now I do this by not answering the last card because after answering I can do the test again or leave the test session.

2) In the settings could be a button where the user can select the card view (detailed is just as it is today and simple would be the view which only shows character, pinyin and english)

3) Similar as 2) but the selection button is on the cards itself

As I'm just a simple user I can not estimate the effort behind such suggestion. In case one of them is easy to implement it would be great.

Answered 146 months ago by Chinabiker valid Edit
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