I was away on a vacation for 10 days and afterwards used the 'postpone wakup' function on the website to delay the waking up of my cards. It works as expected, however the Android app still claims that there are 110 cards ready to wake up. Only a relatively minor cosmetic issue, since the functionality is working as expected.
Cheers, Heiko
This question has been viewed 21 times.
The application needs to know about the new dates - this is done if you \"Update Cards\" as that will make sure that the information of the new dates is stored correctly on the phone.
We will add a corresponding message to the users who are changing wake up date. |
sorry, forgot to mention: I have updated the cards on the app several times over the course of 3 days already, this doesn't solve the issue
klaus lautet:
Seems something wrong on how the app calculates the value then. Will check that - and correct in an further update. In any case as you said, only cards due to wake up based on the server will do so. |