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The software is excellent and just what I was long time looking for. The only disadvantage on my HTC sensation XE is that I have a shut down quite often. I learned my first free list of cards now for one week and had around 20 to 30 restarts.

No data is lost so I nevertheless like to use it. I really would like to buy the upgrade but first I want to clearify whether this bug is gone then. Because for a free software such thing is acceptable. Once you pay money you expect more performance.

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Diese Frage wurde 25 mal angesehen.
The app you are using is the same as the one available for paying subscribers. In most cases the crash is due to a bug in the app.  We are not aware of a bug that could hit that often.

We have prepared a upgrade of the software that includes a series of improvements (and new small features), it also includes correction of a couple of small bugs. It should be possible to load the software directly using the browser of your phone by typing:


Then please install the app on top of the existing one.

After installing, please let us know if the re-starts still are happening ! So that we can check for the reason.
Beantwortet 149 months ago duch klaus gültig Edit
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Chinabiker says:

Thanks for your immediate feedback. I will have a try soon !
klaus says:
Please let us know if it still crashes !

Ok - I bought the full package today and will keep in touch. For every shut down there is the question whether I want to report on my HTC. So I will from now on klick on report and send blog it here


Beantwortet 149 months ago duch Chinabiker gültig Edit
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Mo 26.06.2012 - 7:53 - \"unfortunatly, trainchinse has stopped\" - \"report\" - \"ok\"

I have Appversion 2.5. - Insent there a easyer way to update then going to your page and download the software. Ususally the apps have a button in the settings or I will be informed automatically by the android system if a update is available ?

Beantwortet 149 months ago duch Chinabiker gültig Edit
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klaus says:
We got the error report trough Android - thank you.
klaus says:
We have a fix for that problem - you can install a new beta version of the app (by typing the following code into the browser of the phone: www.trainchinese.com/android/beta.php.)

We are still fixing another issue and once that is done and we finish testing it, the new version will be made available on the Android market (Google Play). Then users with older versions of the app will automatically be informed about the update.

Wow - that\'s a fast and postiv feedback. Thank\'s a lot   !!!

Beantwortet 149 months ago duch Chinabiker gültig Edit
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This problem is solved but another similar problem occured. When I want to learn words after listing to them and want to see the card the software hangs up and stopps. What should I do - reinstall again ???
Beantwortet 147 months ago duch Chinabiker gültig Edit
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klaus says:
We would like to reproduce the problem., but we could not.
Do you recall how it happened?
Did you Add cards form the Dictionary or form a existing list? Then you go to Training ?

The system should have stopped the app running and you just should be able to start the app again without need to re-install.

Dear Klaus, your always fast feedback is impressing - thanks ! I added cards only from the dictonary and then I went to training.

When the problem occurs next time I will write down all steps and conditions. Sorry now I can only rely on my memory which is not clear enough for more details.

Beantwortet 147 months ago duch Chinabiker gültig Edit
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klaus says:
Thank you -
Unfortunately our software is quite complex and there are many ways to reach a certain situation.
It is important for us if we can find ways to reproduce errors (by going the same path as our user did), so that our engineers can then find the reason for the problem and then remove the error.

Seems in total I have two problems. Problem 1 as described above is fortunatly very seldom and I may neglegt it. In case it happens again I will deliver a more clear decription.

Problem 2 occours when the sound mode is switched on. Means the learning mode where you have to listen to the word and then underdstand it. If I press in this situation the button for more information which shows me first the character then the pinyin and then the meaning in english the button will be grey but nothing happens. After this failure the other button which turns around the card immediatly has no function either. It get\'s grey but no effect. Then neither the right nor the wrong button work. I can only escape this situation by pushing the \"back\" button on my mobil. I have no idea how my card is judged (learned or not learned) in such case. This problem is reproducable, means it happens quite often. I can only avoid it by switching to silent that means I skip this learning mode.

Beantwortet 147 months ago duch Chinabiker gültig Edit
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We have been providing a new update as a beta, am not sure if it completely removes above mentioned problem - but it certainly includes corrections and is more stable than the current version. additionally that beta includes a new feature (the availability of measure words together with the translations).

To download and install the beta, please use the www.trainchinese.com/android/beta.php in your browser.
Beantwortet 147 months ago duch klaus gültig Edit
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Thanks - I will have a try  !
Beantwortet 147 months ago duch Chinabiker gültig Edit
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