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Gefragt 150 months ago von asheg  gültig Edit
for instance - wei4 (not yet)
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Diese Frage wurde 24 mal angesehen.
Notes are informations that you as a user have added to a card. The nots then can be checked when you are learning a card - and you may even use the notes instead of the corresponding translations to study on your cards.
Notes are also synchronized across devices - so that notes you may have taken on the website then also are available on the phone (and vice versa).

Finally, if you are using the Andorid application or the iOS application then notes can also be imported form other users when you copy the list from any of your friends.
Beantwortet 150 months ago duch klaus gültig Edit
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strange.. it appeared somehow.. never mind =)
Beantwortet 150 months ago duch asheg gültig Edit
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i just checked website, both - Content and Practice sections. i can\'t find edited NOTES there from my android app. i Updated cards.
Beantwortet 150 months ago duch asheg gültig Edit
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When you click on a card\'s details you should see a blank area for your own notes.
Enter your own definition, a hint to help you learn, whatever you want in this area.

Go into your settings and scroll down to the bottom.
You will see the option to \'Train with Notes\' select ON.
Beantwortet 150 months ago duch jakev gültig Edit
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jakev says:

Your card will now have a green box showing that it has custom notes associated with it.

Now in training your text from the notes area should appear in place of our definition!

-Jake from the trainchinese team
jakev says:
To change notes in the website click on 'Content' then 'My list of words and cards' .
From here you can click on individual cards in your lists and you will see
Beantwortet 150 months ago duch jakev gültig Edit
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To change notes in the website click on \'Content\' then \'My list of words and cards\' .
From here you can click on individual cards in your lists and you will see
Beantwortet 150 months ago duch Jaketest gültig Edit
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ok.. seems like i must change note in the app and on the website manually.. i just thought they sync with each other automatically when i edit note on website or in app...
Beantwortet 150 months ago duch asheg gültig Edit
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klaus says:
They synch whenever you "Update Cards".

ok, look yourself. here the character i added note for - [ 基     Jī     [n] base ]

1. in app: http://cs5764.userapi.com/v5764311/1192/bguwpdUPErA.jpg  /  http://cs5764.userapi.com/v5764311/119b/NtU3UCUhJIM.jpg  /  http://cs5764.userapi.com/v5764311/11a4/Hxsaa9gcvNw.jpg

then i pushed the \"Update cards\" button

2. PRACTICE section in the website (note is empty!): http://cs5764.userapi.com/v5764311/11ad/p-ODEYNN2Ew.jpg

3. CONTENT section in the website (note also is empty!): http://cs5764.userapi.com/v5764311/11b6/P6f-RNUkWHo.jpg  /  http://cs5764.userapi.com/v5764311/11bf/umNUjmuQFZ0.jpg

Beantwortet 150 months ago duch asheg gültig Edit
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klaus says:
Seems we are missing something!
Sorry that we were insisting that it was working.
We will try to find out what ios happening and let you know.
We finally found a possible reason that notes of some cards may not be synchronized, but we would need to check with you to make sure:
Could it be that the notes where added some time ago (using a previous version of the application)? And that the corresponding cards where never trained on the device?

If you would study (at least once) the card, or if you modified the card - for example adding a dot at the end of the note, and then synchronize then the note should appear correctly also on the server.
Beantwortet 150 months ago duch klaus gültig Edit
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i just added a character to empty folder using latest version of the app, added a note, fully trained it with all possible ways and it slept, woke it up, added a dot an the end of the note, updated - i still can\'t see the note on the website :(
Beantwortet 150 months ago duch asheg gültig Edit
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Finally we found the reason for your problems regarding notes.

You are using a teacher account! That account does not include a full synchronization  - as it is supposed not to be used for learning, but just to be able to correctly administer words in lists.

We will fix the handling for notes in teacher accounts, that is, we will save notes made on the device to the corresponding words on the server. Expect the correction soon. In any case we will inform you here as soon as that is available. 
Beantwortet 150 months ago duch klaus gültig Edit
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any news? :p
Beantwortet 150 months ago duch asheg gültig Edit
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klaus says:
Hi, we want to avoid a change to the application software - and we are still testing a solution. So far everything looks good, but we will need another day to make sure.