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Gefragt vor 159 Monaten von nomis  gültig Edit
I just updated to the new version of the Android app and did some training on it.  It's quite a different feel from the old app, so far my experience with it has been very good.  I did find what I think is a bug:   
When I select the "move" option in the flash cards list and don't pick a new location to move the list to, I end up with only the list I tried to move being displayed.  All the other lists disappear.  To get them back I needed to update my cards.

I also have a suggestion base on my quick experience:
When I select to train some words and use several lists I need to select the lists each time I restart training.  Can the selections be saved, so they default for each subsequent use?

BTW, there's no tag option down below for Android app...
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klaus says:
Thank you for the report! we will answer in a short while.

We just added the Android tag - thank you for mentioning it !
nomis says:
Hi Klaus & Craig.

I'm not sure if the counts of time right to learned is working correctly.  I've been having words that display 2 times left go to sleep after I got them right, ie only once (I have my Learning Condition set to "strict")  I also think that one card went from in the 30's to 99 - 一直  - I think was the word.
klaus says:
Will have a look to that - let you know about it later today
klaus says:
Checked all your data and our traces very carefully but could not find nothing indicating a problem with the number of times necessary to pass a mode. we also repeated some tests and could not find a problem. But we would ask you to still pay attention to this and tell us if you see another strange case.

The only interesting finding was that you have quite some cards where the count of NOT-OK is very high. This cards in part are certainly older and were tested with the previous version of the Android app. Do this cases have any real background?
nomis says:
HI Klaus,

It's the high count of not ok that I've been experiencing.  Today 暖和 went to 104 Not OK.  It was at something like 30 the day before. 

I did have some cards with 50 Not OK, but that was about the maximum.  It really seems that there is a multiplier occurring.  As I mentioned in my previous comment, it seems to happen as well if I have only 2 times to see a card, because many time after the first OK, the card goes to sleep.  This happened numerous times today - see the cards that are sleeping for 40 and 80 days.
klaus says:
We found a possible reason for the count problem, we are testing the solution and then will provide a new version of the beta (probably this Monday)
Craig here at trainchinese. That bug was well spotted, and is fixed. There\'s a new beta available for download at the same address: trainchinese.com/android/trainchinese_beta.apk.

Beantwortet vor 159 Monaten duch craig gültig Edit
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Thanks for the fast response. 


I trained some more today and found that you fixed the volume issue (now can control the volume at any time rather than just when the audio is playing.  Thanks for that too.  It was a little thing but kind of drove me crazy!

Beantwortet vor 159 Monaten duch nomis gültig Edit
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Hi Klaus and Craig,

Another bug - I accidentally selected\"train from some\" and then train without selecting a list - ie there was nothing to actually train with.  This causes the app to crash, and when I restart it crashes everytime I select train from some while in the same folder.  Train from all still works.  From another folder I can select train from some without causing a crash.  Updating the cards fixed the problem.
Beantwortet vor 158 Monaten duch nomis gültig Edit
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klaus says:
Thank you ! will check and correct it. We palnning a new beta release late on Monday.
Thank you for your support !

The beta test application was updated to correct the existing problems. Please upload the new version.
Beantwortet vor 158 Monaten duch klaus gültig Edit
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nomis says:
Thanks for the fast fixes.  Looks good so far, definately the problem with the null selection for training is fixed!  I noticed that when flipping the card I now get the audio. That's a great enhancement - thanks!

Hi Klaus and Craig,

I'm finding that I get a message that a card will go to sleep even though I still have 2 times left to answer it correctly.  The card doesn't seem to actually go to sleep, so there's no studdy impact,  only that the message pops up and is a little confusing at first.



Beantwortet vor 158 Monaten duch nomis gültig Edit
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klaus says:
Right ! There is a problem in certain situations with the calculation made on the phone to check if cards go to sleep or not. We have solved that  (actually yesterday).

We are doing a quick test now and will provide a updated beta test version today (you may download it using the same beta test link after 5 pm Hong Kong time).