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Gefragt vor 159 Monaten von meleze  gültig Edit
Past month I had to face a change of my PC. I got the content of train chinese uploaded in my USB key but at present on the new computer it is impossible to dowload my flashcards again: what to do? Morover the chinese hanzi are not readable inside firefox even tough the code is available for a selection inside the display function. What to do to train again?
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Diese Frage wurde 17 mal angesehen.
For the display of the Chinese characters (hanzi) your PC needs to have the support for far eastern languages installed.
To install that support please follow the instructions given  here: 

As you are learning using the website all the information of your learning progress is already stored on our servers (the use of the USB stick should not be necessary). After logging onto trainchinese the correct data will automatically be made available on your web browser.
Beantwortet vor 159 Monaten duch klaus gültig Edit
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