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Gefragt 101 months ago von hotzie  gültig Edit

I'm having a lot of problems with the reading mode on my phone. Whenever I change the training mode of the card to add reading, two things often happen:

One - I like to put translation as default starting mode. But after change reading often comes first.

Two - When I finish learning the reading part the card goes to sleep. It doesn't learn the translation and recognition parts.

Thanks in advance for your help,


ps I have a Google Nexus 6p phone
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Diese Frage wurde 17 mal angesehen.
A card can be trained in several modes, when you switch on/off a mode the current training status in that mode is kept.
So for example you trained translation already once and then switch it off, and after a while you switch it on again then it already will have one correct test done and will consider it.

I am not sure exactly in which conditions the cards you mention went to sleep or were not tested at all in one mode, but it most probably was related to the fact that that mode (which was switched off) did already pass the round and another mode not yet.

Finally regarding the selection of the "Starting mode". This selection will work as long as the selected starting mode did not pass any (positive) test. Once the mode has been tested once it will have no further effect.

Please let us know if you think the descriptions done does not match your observations.
Beantwortet 101 months ago duch klaus gültig Edit
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