Asked 107 months ago by
ribenguniang valid
Hi Klaus,
The word "牵累“ belongs to the list of word I am learning right now. But when I am searching for it (on my Andorid phone), it's not contained in the list of words returned. I can see other words derived from "牵" and "累", but not "牵累". Would be really nice, if the first words returned would be the one I've already learned or are in the process of being learned. Thanks Jacques
This question has been viewed 12 times.
To allow for really fast search results. the phone dictionary is fixed
each time we make an update of the software. We can not add words at a
later stage to the index files used to index the dictionary. The index
is important as it also will set the priority for each word to be
Only on the website the dictionary will always be complete and up to date at any time. Klaus |