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Questions and Answers


Asked 114 months ago by linag  valid Edit
Hello, I get Chinese audio sample sentences from another source, how can I import those audio files?
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This question has been viewed 26 times.
We do not provide the possibility to import audio files. All audios played have been specifically recorded for trainchinese by one of our teachers. -  Should you feel that certain audio file is not according to your expectations please let us know by reporting error for the specific word.
Answered 114 months ago by klaus valid Edit
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Hello Klaus,

thanks of the answer!

The audio files you provide are all fine, however, I often need some sentences which are not provided by "trainchinese", but by the material from the Chinese course I booked or some other sources. 

Since your training framework is much better than those of other Chinese courses or trainings I know, IMHO it would be a very attractive new feature if "trainchinese" would offer the means to import external audio files :)


Answered 113 months ago by linag valid Edit
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There is a function to import vocabulary to trainchinese directly in the contents on the website. Those vocabulary will be checked by one of our teachers and then we also will provide the corresponding audio.

If you have short sentences to add you are free to do that! Please just do it slowly (some user requested hundreds of phrases at once, which of course will be added but in such cases we will take our time...
Answered 113 months ago by klaus valid Edit
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