Asked 112 months ago by
Submergency valid
Hi, I have a number of empty lists I've created while trying to import words that I need to study? How can I get rid of them? I totally don't need them and want a way to wipe them out.
This question has been viewed 26 times.
on the iOS app: Just swipe with your finger on the list name and choose to delete. On Andorid keep your finger pressed and then delete them.
You can also delete them directly on the website py pressing on the red X in the \"Contents\" view of your lists (appears when you select the list in the top area of the right side next to the title of the list. Pleas do not forget to \"update Cards\" by pressing on the button at the top right of the app so that teh cahnegs are synchronized across devices. |
Compared with other language learning sites, this website is rather non-intuitive. I have to search and search for how to do simple tasks. Once I learn, it\'s not hard, but better interface design would make it easier and faster for me to use the site, and make me more likely to return and to renew my subscription.
The basic tools you offer are good, especially the IOS app, but the website is difficult to use and there is a serious learning curve. Since the website seems to be required to maintain wordlists, which is essential to my particular needs, overall, it\'s a pain in the butt.
klaus lautet:
We are sorry that we included many additional features in the website that are not available on the apps - we tried to maintain the app as straight forward as possible. But given the high flexibility of our training system it was necessary to have quite some options available to users that are only available on the website. We know that the number of options there is substantial and may be difficult to understand, therefore we are currently in the middle of a re-design of the website trying to make it easier to understand - and also redesigning its appearance. As mentioned in the answer - in your particular case, to delete lists you do not need to access the website just swipe with your finger on the name of the list to get the option to delete a list. |
Dear Klaus:
Thank you for taking the time to answer. My point is, it's not so much the range of additional features. It's the difficulty of navigation. If you want to provide us with a really useful tool for learning Chinese, then make the site easier to navigate. After a week or so, I've worked out the basic things I need to know. I appreciate your product. I'm using it a lot at the moment. Please don't take my comments as negatives. Andrew
klaus lautet:
In any case please look out as we are in the final steps for a completely revised website. As soon as it is available we will provided a link on the "old" one. |