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Gefragt 115 months ago von mairyu  gültig Edit
Last year you mentioned that multiple features will be added to the main trainchinese app and the audio trainer, I anxiously awaited those updates but still haven't seen any.

What's the plan on releasing those updates/new features ?
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Diese Frage wurde 4 mal angesehen.
also, I noticed that one fix didn't seem to make it

you said you would consider the following:

when you look at a list and scroll down, then click on it to see details and come back it
doesn't remember the scroll position i.e. it;s back to the top , which is very annoying when
you do that multiple times, should be easy to get back to the same scroll postition
Beantwortet 113 months ago duch mairyu gültig Edit
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klaus says:
That function is working since a while