the thread near the list of vocabulary inside the content is broken. I would be very pleased to pay my subscroption if it were possible to communicate with my friends.
Other question you never answered. I get the use of the trainchinese desktop under ubuntu. Very pleasant but again with the thread to the sound broken. Upon the chinese dest you may not listen the hanzi Tags: sitio trainchinese Preguntas y Respuetas Aplicación de PC Pago de suscripción Ejercitar en el sitio Web Listas de palabras
Esta pregunta ha sido visto 11 veces.
Actually if you select the button next to the list, then you will see a pup up with two areas, one button to start your email program (that will use the information available on your browser - and depends on the settings of your browser) and a second area which contains a URL that starts with
http://trainchinese.com/contents.php?l= followed by a number. You can send this link to your friend by email, just copy-paste the link and then your friends will receive that list. |
OK thank you