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Задан 121 месяц назад пользователем mairyu  одобренный Edit
I can send you a snapshot, which would be easier, but you have those
nice day/week/month histograms after I run "update cards' (Android App)

I consistently see problems with the 'month' histogram, either the legend is
wrong or the data (right now I think it's due the end of the year), would be
nice to get this fixed, obvious not very important, just reporting since I like
the feature

(btw, took me several month to notice that you can swipe to get the week/month,
might want to add a pointer to make it clearer :)
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Thank you for letting us know. Can you please send us the screen shot of the month view? (to  cs@trainchinese.com)?
Good idea to add some arrow! Will see to include that for next update
Отвечен 121 месяц назад пользователем klaus одобренный Edit
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