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Gefragt 119 months ago von mairyu  gültig Edit
I hope I can explain this correctly (I can send a snapshot to explain better if needed)

When I have a folder in training with , say, 10 lists, it shows how many cards are in each list and the list name, but what would help a lot is to see how many unlearned cards there still are per list. Right now,
I have to click on the list and get that info one by one.

It would be neat to have that info in the 'folder view', that way I know which list I still have to train more
than others (i.e. 100/10 vs. 100/80)
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Diese Frage wurde 11 mal angesehen.
On the iOS app this function is already implemented - and we will provide the number of cards to be learned on the folder view with the next update of the Android app (which is in the makings..)
Beantwortet 119 months ago duch klaus gültig Edit
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Beantwortet 119 months ago duch phamdangnhat gesperrt Edit
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