Asked 159 months ago by
rickposner valid
I noticed on your facebook page you have a program called Chinese Writer for iphone. Is that available for Android?
This question has been viewed 33 times.
Just to inform everyone interested in the writer, Today we published the
Chinese Writer for Android. Personal character packs can now be sent to
Android phones and played there too,
To get the writer search for \"trainchinese writer\" on the Google play (formally Google Android Market) or use the following link to download the free version: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.molatra.chinesewriterlite We also are providing a paid version (with more than 5,000 characters) at: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.molatra.chinesewriter |
Not yet - still in the making! (will come out after the Update of the Android trainchinese application)